We invite you to embark on a journey.
The destination is the moment you stand in front of a work of art we have helped you discover. The moment it brings you simple joy and encourages you to take a moment of contemplation. We believe that Art is not simply about decorating your home or your place of work. Art is about allowing a connection between you and yourself, creating a moment of calm in your life, a moment of meditation. That’s how Vaitiare and I feel about all the artists we curate. Their work has the potential to bring an immense sense of calm to one’s life. They all create art that one way or another take ones’ breath away. That’s our criteria – through a multitude of different styles and mediums, all of our artists create work which resonates on a deep level.

The way we work is very personal.
The first stop on this journey is to meet you, to understand what kind of person you are, to get to know your space. We like to think of this journey as an ongoing, ever evolving magical ride.. The better we get to know you, the better we can find the unique works of art that will slot into your existence and make it even better than it already is.. We want you to be inspired by the art on your walls, for every piece to hold meaning..

This is our mission, to guide you and to help you feel your way into the art you buy. For us, the success is not guided by the need to supply you with well-known names, with art for investment, we measure our success by how happy you feel when you look at a piece you have discovered..

That’s the magic, that’s the true value of art..to uplift

So on our website, we don’t feel the need to tell you the names of the artists, the dimensions of the pieces, the mediums, here we simply want to get a sense of what you are drawn to instinctively…and we go from there..
We ask the artists to give us examples of the work of which they are most proud – some pieces you see may have been commissioned or made years ago or sold already..the point is that the artists show everything that is possible. We work a lot on specific commissions..and installations, this is a beautiful process that is a journey all of its own…

So please peruse the categories and just allow yourself to ‘feel’ if anything is right for you..
If you fall in love with a specific piece you love then connect with us, if you want to explore further and go on a quest to create an amazing collection, connect with us..if you are interested in commissioning a piece of art, connect with us…if you just want to find out more, Connect with us..


Looking forward to connecting